Transportation to Tarona Park

1 Dia
  • Transporte al Parque Tayrona

Transportation to Tayrona Park                Price $ 40.000

There are different ways of transport to Tayrona Park but one of the simplest for those people who do not want to complicate with public transport and take several buses.

The direct transport pick up you from your own hotel to the point where you start walking inside the jungle in to the Tayrona Park to reach the beach of Arrecifes and from there start bordering beaches until you reach Cabo San Juan de Guía. The bus is air conditioned, comfortable and the driver is super friendly, flexible and if everyone agrees, you can make a stop to buy things that may be necessary during the time you will be in Tayrona Park, the guide on the road where They have to start the walk.


The bus leaves from Taganga at 8: 00-8: 15 in the morning through the hotels of the Historic Center of Santa Marta at half past eight in the morning and will pick up the people who are staying there for 15 minutes and then leave Direct to Tayrona Park. The journey from Santa Marta to Tayrona Park is 40 minutes until you reach the entrance of the Park (Zaino) where you will find the ticket offices to pay the entrance to Tayrona Park, the driver will wait for you until you finish your paperwork.

After having finished at the checkpoint you will get on the bus again to take you to the part where you will begin the walk that is the Tayrona Museum, the transport’s final point.

It includes:

Only one way, If you want to make the return, you must contact us to check availability and match the dates you want to return.

he return time is at 16:30 from the same point where they were left (the parking lot) and will take you to your hotel either in Santa Marta or Taganga.

For special or privatedtransportation

Transportation by boat

Diving Taganga

Hotels to Stay: Hotels in Tayrona Park

What to bring?

  • T-shirts and shorts
  • Sun blocker
  • Drinking water
  • Flip flops
  • Towel
  • Bathing suit
  • Insect repellent (nopikex brand available in Colombia)
  • Drysac or ziplock bags to keep your belongings dry

Taganga Sun Set: Atardeceres en Taganga

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Price:$ 40,000